My body is a sea Loud with roaring waves flowing calmly into an end unknown Salt and water make her up and my eyes is their exit channel when my heart crushed with a Lance of despair Sends heartquakes down to the depth of my sea Shaking her foundations, arousing turbulence.

For Stars who Forget how to Shine! 

When you were born,  You were everything light.  Your toothless smile shone like the sun It was the muse for beautiful songs hitherto unsung.  Your skin was so smooth That fingers caressed it with purity and joy undefined.  You were born light, Your light shone And all people saw when they saw you was a […]


In the day I called your name In billowy whispers  Transported on wings of winds Gentle, yet bold enough to speak that name Which my lips tremble to pronounce  I realized fear has its limits,  I realized fear could be burnt.  Your name like ice Cools the hot liquor  Bubbling inside me Passion as if […]

An Unmet Satisfaction. 

Why,  This one thing I have yearned for That which I have craved, prayed and dreamt about Lands on my laps and somehow seems to cripple me.  Why,  Love for which I earnestly wished To have my heart beat excitedly for Sits on my heart  And somehow I fear I’d die From an un-beating heart.  […]

A letter to the Heart 💟

Dear heart,  You may have the shape of the most talked about and desired emotion, love, but I beg you not to lose sight of your function. Be focused dear heart and pump blood to the entire system of our host while beating in the process.  It vexes me that when you feel the presence […]


Look inside you and see an eagle Desirous of the heights Panting for the skies. See how it turns restlessly For a chance to showcase its uniqueness The ability to fly, to soar, to conquer. Look inside you and see a lion Untamed , wild Yet with a silenced roar. This lion seeks to devour […]


Prologue: A heart cringing with pain while alive Screams out loud Through tears of ink by which it bleeds Pints of bloody unsaid words On papers of memories never shared Leaving a permanent mark of regret On hearts that wish they had cared while it lived. *** There is a heart that still beats life’s […]

Healing My World.. 

Everytime I see pain in your eyes,  I wish I could cry them away for you.  Everytime I see you deep in worry,  I wish I could be your warrior,  fighting away those worries, bringing back your stolen peace.  Everytime I feel your heart cringe in immeasurable sorrow and I see your face wear a […]

Dying in Love..

Somewhere, a heart beats for love, dies again and again for it. Somewhere in death, a heart beats for a love it hopes to possess in life.